Thursday, March 29, 2012

Podcast Survey

Here's the home made podcast:

And the 2 professional ones i found on itunes are called:
The Phil Hendrie show: Bob Greene is stressed out from extreme couponing  
The Persuaders ( Marketing radio show from Ireland): Online Couponing Social media deals

Between these 3 pod casts the only thing they had in common was the topic of coupons. The two professional pod casts I found off of itunes. In my opinion, they didn’t even go into much depth as the amateur pod cast I herd on The funny thing is that on the amateur pod cast the host actually encountered technical difficulties which were revealed on her pod cast unlike the two professional ones. The two that I found on itunes had no errors in them. The pod cast which is from the Phil Hendrie show is very deceiving because they barely even mention coupons, it went very off topic & it was basically two callers arguing with each other of apparently a kid with a wig on at the supermarket ( it got very stupid at one point). The amateur pod cast actually went extremely too into depth and couponing is something I like to do but she even started to bore me with her rambling on. All 3 pod casts have their pro's & cons, if you want to laugh and not even talk about coupons then listen to the Phil Hendrie show pod cast of supposed "couponing".

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Rough Draft

 " Ear Worm" Rough Draft

Everyone around the world has experienced the "ear worm", or as In germany, an "ear worm" is known as "ohrwurm". It's any random tune or jingle that gets stuck in your mind and you can't find a way to get rid of it! According to research by James Kellaris, 98% of individuals experience "ear worms". Women and men experience the phenomenon equally often, but "ear worms" are more likely to last longer for women and to irritate women more than they irritate men. I researched the top "ear worms" which the play list is called: 
"The Playlist from Hell"
  • The "Baby Back Ribs" Chili's jingle
  • Baha Men: "Who Let the Dogs Out?"
  • Queen: "We Will Rock You"
  • The "Give Me a Break" Kit-Kat jingle
  • Lalo Schifrin: "Mission: Impossible Theme"
  • The Village People: "YMCA"
  • Tag Team: "Whoomp, There It Is"
  • The Tokens: "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
  • Richard Sherman: "It's a Small World"

These ear worms are frustrating, annoying, and even tormenting, but thanks to here are some possible resolutions that might be able to help get rid of these "ear worms":
  • Cinnamon candy
    Supposedly the intense flavor seems to be distracting that part of your brain.
  • Hear it out
    Find the song on YouTube or iTunes and listen to the complete song
  • Mash it up
    Sing aloud as many "ear worms" as you can think of, without stopping. Your brain will get overwhelmed and the mishmash of tunes will cancel each other out and you'll be left in peace.
  • Drink alcohol
    Not for minors.
  • Play dead
    Do not resist the "ear worm". The more you try to get rid of an "ear worm", the more persistent it can become.
  • Do math
    Count backwards from 100 (or another suitably large number) by 7s.
  • Zzzz
    Get more sleep.
         Avoid music altogether.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


For my ear-worm interviews it will be as follows:

- I will conduct a video interview ( or audio if my interviewer feels comfortable) with
 Barbara Kapetanakes, PsyD. who's located on 239 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591. I also was able to get a phone office phone number: 914-332-9194.

- I will also like to do quick interviews with several kids or teens my age and ask them if they have ever been effected by the ear worm ( which I'm more then positive).  

After this in my ear worm piece i will just do a voiceover section with images of how to cure the ear worm!

My interview questions with Dr. Kapetenakes:

1. As a psychologist what do you think of this new phenomenon named the "ear worm"?

2. Do you think that there is a specific age group being affected by this? Why? 

3. Is there a biological reason to this?

4. Now that society has iPods and people are more linked to their ear phones and music, do you think that this will become a bigger problem?

5. In your experience have you been affected by the ear worm? What have you done to cure this?

6. As a psychologist what do you recommend in order to avoid future ear worms?

7. What do you think that makes the human mind have a song or jingle literally stuck in there?

8.As an example let's just say a patient has A.D.D. do you think that they are more likely to be affected?

For the quick interviews with other people:

1. Have you ever been affected by the ear worm?
2. What song or tune was stuck in your head? 
3. Do you remember what you did to take the song out from your head?